Children are very sensitive to external stimuli. Whether it comes to environment or climate conditions, emotional stress, strong fright or excessive joy, overplay in the park or envy with the little brother or sister and so on; but the impact on the delicate little organism might be severe. Especially with the uro-genital system the consequences should not be underestimated.
The little children often will not be able to tell what or whether it hurts, how and when the pains appear, is there a burning at the beginning or at the end of urination etc. This is the biggest trap before the accurate treatment. Moreover, in some cases the child will not be able to pass urine at all. Some of the children will scream before passing urine, others will tell they have no urge to go to the toilet. It is possible that the quantity of fluids they drink doesn’t change during the day but there is only but little micturition.